Cornwall Physio

Anti Gravity Treadmill Rehabilitation

The AlterG anti-gravity treadmill was developed with NASA technology, initially for rehabilitation following an injury to the lower limbs. This has since been developed to help a wide variety of people.

This treadmill is a NASA designed and patented piece of equipment that allows you to start partial weight-bearing exercise a lot quicker than conventional methods.

The device can ‘un-weight’ you to anywhere between 20% to 100% of your body weight allowing people with joint replacements, Achilles injuries, ankle sprains, arthritis, sports injuries and many more ailments to exercise pain-free with reduced impact. Anti-gravity treadmills are a staple in every premiership football and rugby club across the country, as well as in top sports rehabilitation facilities. We are thrilled to bring this incredible technology to Cornwall.

Tennis star Andy Murray recently used this same treadmill to rehab after his hip surgery. Unlike hydrotherapy, where the natural gait pattern changes, the anti-gravity treadmill keeps the regular gait movements allowing a much more precise and specific rehab. With hydrotherapy, it’s hard to apply a specific body load, and it takes no more than 40% of your body weight away. With our Alter-G, you set your body weight anywhere between 100% and 20%. This smart technology allows you to rehabilitate and add body weight for gradual improvements.

If you want to know what it costs – and what availability we have, then please just click the button above and complete the short form.

Anti-Gravity Benefits

Increase Training Volume

Marathon and ultra-marathon runners use anti-gravity training to increase their training volume without increasing injury risk. Mo Farah’s coach has previously spoken about supplementing his athletes’ standard training with running on an anti-gravity treadmill. His runners typically complete around 80 miles a week outside and then up to 40 miles a week at slightly reduced body weight.

Over-Speed Training

This method is training your nervous system for faster speeds. Typically, you can run 1kmph faster for every 10% of body weight you remove. This training allows speed work without increased joint loading. At Cornwall Physio, we use science to help you perform better.

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